Monday 26 December 2011

Merry Christmas

I was pretty excited about finding this Christmas tree for $2.50 at Spotlight :D I just wanted something small, but I had to have a Christmas tree!

Although Christmas did come pretty quickly as always (sorry for all who missed out on a Christmas card!), I did manage to feel the Christmas spirit quite a lot this year through a very simple means: music!  I have two concerts on DVD which I listened to (and sometimes watched) over and over, as well as the soundtrack for one of those concerts.  They're both Christmas with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra at Temple Square with guest performers Sissel, and Brian Mitchell Stokes and Edward K. Herrman respectively.

I think it was a good, solid two weeks leading up to Christmas that I pretty much listened to Christmas music only and it really helped me to focus on the joy of the season and the spirit of rejoicing in the Saviour's birth.

Another thing that helped me to focus on the true meaning of Christmas was some opportunities I had to give service.  Nothing huge, just a few little opportunities that reminded me that the reason we give at Christmas time is to celebrate the birth of Jesus.  I thought about why I was doing it, and if someone had asked I would have smiled and shrugged and said "Because the Saviour was born!" and that really was it.  God's gift to us of His Son inspires the giving spirit in us.  

You can read about some of my family Christmas traditions in my post on Jess's blog, which we were true to once again this year.

And here's the traditional prawn cocktail I was talking about with my aunt's AMAZING home-made dressing :D Even better than I remember.

Hoping you all had a joyful and meaningful Christmas this year :)

1 comment:

  1. I was like that last year! :D I needed a Christmas tree so I just bought a fairly small one. It just makes it so much more festive!
