Thursday 22 December 2011

If I were a recipe, what would I be?

At my work recently for our yearbook we were each asked to come up with a personal "recipe" for ourselves, for which at first I had no idea what to write.  But weeks later, inspiration finally struck me.  They didn't end up including them in the yearbook, but here is mine for your reading pleasure...

3 cups of nice
a pinch of feisty
1/2 cup of procrastination
a handful of optimism
a dash of perfectionism
3 teaspoons of creativity

Mix all ingredients together carefully, ensuring all measurements are exact, and leave in the sun until warm.

And voila!  You have me!

What's your personal recipe?


  1. My recipe is a family secret and therefore cannot be posted on the internets! I would, however, like the recipe for that awesommmme looking cake!

  2. haha yeah it does look pretty good eh! If you type "recipe" into google then you might find it ;) haha.
