Thursday 21 March 2013

You Know You're Living In Japan If...

You eat your soup with chopsticks

Everything comes individually wrapped

The word "seafood" has taken on a WHOLE new meaning

The mayonnaise tastes AMAZING!

Hair scrunchies are back in fashion (with a vengeance)

"Ee?!" has become a permanent part of your vocabulary

Your first thought in the morning is 
"Which garbage day is it today?"

You own a bike and not a car 

You're surprised when you walk past a mirror
 and realise you don't look Asian

You're a little disappointed if you haven't had

 an earthquake in a week

You have no idea what the pizza delivery guy just said, because he was speaking too politely

Your definition of "personal space" has gotten a lot smaller 

You wonder how you ever lived without heated toilet seats

The cockroaches look like something 

from a sci-fi horror movie

You feel like a pig for eating your 120ml icecream tub in one go

It's 4 degrees outside and the school windows are still open.