Thursday 16 August 2012

I want a pet jellyfish, and some garden eels!

I don't know how I do it, but every time I choose to go somewhere, I always manage to pick the busiest days!  It's just my talent.  So it was with the Sunshine Aquariam at Ikebukuro this week, but I still managed to have a good time (it was a close call though! So many screaming kids!).  One of my favourite things was the jellyfish arch, where I took this photo, watching them float and swoosh around and pondering how amazing they are to look so animated and fun without a brain.  I watched them as the edge of their "mushroom" top contracted and propelled the jellyfish forward, resulting in a beautiful flowing movement of the tentacles.  It was whilst enjoying the tranquility of this scene that I decided it would be pretty cool to have a pet jellyfish.  You know, just sit in the living room watching him do his thing.  He'd want a decent sized tank obviously, maybe a few friends. 

I also came across these guys at the bottom of a different tank (photo "borrowed" from google).  They look like little snakes sticking out of the sand.  I thought they were unusual and pretty cool, but it was in the gift shop when I saw what they were called that I really decided I liked them. Garden Eels!  Sounds so homely!  As you can see, there are two kinds here: the spotted garden eel and the splendid garden eel.  How cool would it be to have these in the tank at home too, swaying to and fro with the gentle current, like leafy seaweed?  

I think once I have a more stable place of residence and don't foresee the imminent international transportation or disposal of all my possessions, I shall invest in some kind of home aquarium.  Preferably with jellyfish and garden eels!

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