Monday 31 October 2011

It burrrrrrrns....

Today at work I was unfairly attacked by an evil cup of noodles.  I had taken off the lid, put in the flavour sachets and filled the cup with hot filtered water, just like I have done on many previous occasions, and was carrying it over to the table, when suddenly my hand was wet and it burrrrrrned!! Ow!! I managed to make it to the table to put them down, but decided I had better minimise the damage A-SAP and so I put it under running cold water for a while.  The following picture shows what my hand looked like after this:
Can you see the spill mark?? Ouch! I made sure I kept my hand cold through the afternoon by applying a bit more cold water when needed.  By some miracle (and prayer) the redness had cleared up in a few hours time when I left work this afternoon, and you can now barely notice it at all.  In fact, aside from the initial burn I felt very little pain. Very different from my last experience of hot water burn...yes, there's been more than one (a few years back now).  Last time the burn area was much smaller, but it hurt so much it was nearly unbearable!  So in the end I was pretty blessed this time to escape a similar fate.  In revenge, I ate the evil noodles.

So the moral of this story is: don't overfill your noodle cup!


  1. This is the THIRD noodle-burn horror story I have heard this week! They are evil things. You are so lucky it didn't blister!

  2. Serious?? Haha they must be plotting world domination this week! I am lucky, it had completely healed the next day. Yay!

  3. You have to be alert not alarmed when it comes to noodles. My cousins son just turned two and on Tues he pulled a similar cup of noodles from the bench all over himself. They have to see a plastic surgeon!! Yay for your quick healing hands :)

  4. Yikes! I consider myself VERY lucky then!!
