Wednesday 16 May 2012

Hello Tokyo!

Here I am, finally in Japan!!  This adventure has been MANY months in the making, I sometimes doubted it would actually happen, but that changed when I decided to believe impossible things .  And then when the opportunity came, I sometimes couldn’t believe that I was going to make such a huge change in my life, as my life at that time was going along pretty same-same and repetitive.  It almost seemed like the term “new adventure” wasn’t in my vocabulary.  And yet, I packed my bags and got on the plane, and here I am!

So, how do I feel now?  Loving it!  This is the best decision I have made in ages.  To fly away and land myself in a totally new place, with new surroundings and people and currency and language and transport and even a different vocation, has been incredibly refreshing!  It’s great.  Having said that, I have not yet started teaching, so I could still change my mind!  But I’m sure it’ll be fine…

1 comment:

  1. Love the believing in impossible things, it's such a great quote. I've been seeing a little bit of talk about the "Impossible Manifesto" ( around the interwebs recently, I want to read into it more!

    Good luck with the teaching. I'm sure you'll settle in quickly!
