Wednesday 17 August 2011

Free time!

Today I have a day off work, happens from time to time due to varying rostered hours at work, I always love a day off work! Okay, so what if I don't get paid? I get a day during the week to get many things done, as well as take out some time for myself, or "sharpen the saw."

This morning I went for a short run (I can only manage short runs in my current unfit state, but it's enough to take effect), stopped to take a few photos along the way of the early spring blossoms, and make a great breakfast of fried egg on toast, topped with fried ham and tomato and garnished with parsley.  On a work day I usually manage toast, or grab an "Up & Go" drink on my way out the door, so a good breakfast is always exciting.

I've been getting into sewing lately, and the other day just finished the second pillowcase I'd been meaning to do for ages, so I'm going to head to Spotlight and buy some material to cover the cushion inserts I bought a little while back, seeing as I have no cushions on my couch in my bachelorette pad.  I've got a list of many more things to do on my day off today, we'll see how many I get done! Don't worry, relaxing is in there too :)

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